Design Technology
In Design & Technology our intent at Hailey Hall is to enable pupils from all backgrounds to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of themselves.
We teach pupils how to take managed creative risks and so become more resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable. Pupils will develop a critical understanding of the impact of design and technology on daily life and the wider world. Design and Technology encourages our pupils to learn to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team.
Additionally, we wish to provide excellent opportunities for pupils to develop and apply value judgments of an aesthetic, economic, moral, social, and a technical nature both in their own designing and when evaluating the work of others.
Schemes of Work
All schemes of work are mapped against the national curriculum for D&T and are taught on the principal of interleaving where possible. Core skills and knowledge are built upon and links between topics are made in order to cement learning and give students a more holistic understanding of the subject.
The DT curriculum is planned to enable all pupils to develop skills in the following areas:
- To develop an understanding of health and safety
- To gain a range of practical DT skills
- To understand the impact people and products have on the environment
- To gain a wider understanding of the world around us and the impact people and products can have on this
We aim to, wherever possible, link work to other disciplines such as mathematics, science, computing and art. The pupils are also given opportunities to reflect upon and evaluate past and present design technology, its uses and its effectiveness. In doing so they are encouraged to become innovators and risk-takers.
Throughout our programs of study, every attempt is made to make explicit links to careers and the world of work. In addition to subject specific links, we aim to explicitly reinforce the skills and aptitudes which support what employers say are important in the workplace;
- Aiming high, staying positive and resilience
- Communication skills (listening, speaking, presenting)
- Teamwork and problem solving,
- Creativity and thinking skills
- Self-management and leadership
- The British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect of those with different faiths and beliefs are taught explicitly and reinforced in the way in which the school