Transition Information
The transition from primary to secondary can be a stressful event for all students and their parents/carers, and this can be compounded for a child with behavioural, emotional, learning and social difficulties.
Transition KS3
To minimise potential difficulties and to help pupils settle in to school as quickly as possible and support them we ensure that we provide;
- A tour of Hailey Hall School
- A visit to your son/young persons current setting
- A virtual call for parents to share information with a member of our senior leadership team
- A home visit from to meet your son/young person in their home environment so they can tell us all about themselves
- 1 taster day with no more than 5 other pupils (uniform can be purchased during this visit)
- 1 taster day with the rest of the year group
- A meeting for parents and young people to meet our senior leadership team and key staff
- Summer school (2-3 days)
- A video of staff introducing themselves
- A photo guide of Hailey Hall School
- First day of term (following the summer holidays) is for Year 7 and new pupils only
Transition KS4
Youth Connexions now known as Services for Young People provides youth work, information, advice, guidance and support for young people aged 13 up to 25.
This useful link helps to prepare pupils and parents for any potential travel situations – Travel Training (
- Herts students from Yr. 9 – 11- receive impartial Education and career pathway support from Coral Thomas (Services for Young people)
- Essex students from Yr 9- 11- receive Impartial Education and career pathway support from Laura Todd (Preparing for Adulthood Advisor)
- Both attend EHCP reviews and liaise with student/parent /careers
- Yr.10 visits to HRC Turnford to see what and how colleges work, talks with different depts.
- Yr 10 participate in a Work experience week in the summer term
- Yr11 visit to John Warner school (sixth form) again to see how and what it looks like to see a local school as an alternative to a college route regarding further education and possible post 16 option
- Yr.7 to Yr. 11 – Workshops from Job Centre Plus (Works and Pensions) re CVs, employability skills, Digital footprints, Jobs for the future as an example
- Yr. 11 – Mock interview training with support from Postgraduates from Herts County Council,
- From Yr.7 to Yr. 11- Visits to Various workplaces to see various industries and how they work and routes to possible employment/ apprenticeships
- Yr. 11 -support with completing Applications to college re Post 16 options
- Yr. 11, once an application to college is submitted then to work with the individual college and Transition support worker (TSW) in arranging bespoke visits and taster sessions in the summer term before starting in September
- Support with interviews with colleges, currently both virtual and in-person as appropriate via school IT
- Yr. 11-Support with Travel training from SEN Transport Admissions & Transport as appropriate (highlighted from Yr 9 with 1 to 1 meetings )
Hertfordshire County Council, with workshops in school - Yr. 11 – Visit Herts University (Hatfield Campus) to see University and facilities and possible routes to Post 18 education
- If students decide for various reasons not to attend college/ sixth form or apprentice route, then working with Coral and Laura with bespoke support looking at possible employment routes and support re further education