The wellbeing of pupils and staff are always a priority at Hailey Hall School.
Stevie Sharp
Mental Health Lead
Sara Hill
Deputy Mental Health lead
We offer a range of interventions internally on a 3-tiered approach, this supports their emotional progress if they require the extra support. We strongly believe that there is a direct link with positive mental health and good academic progress. If parents would like to refer their son or to find out more information on the following interventions we provide at Hailey Hall School, please call or email your son’s form Tutor.
Our tiered approach
Level 1 – Protective behaviours and LEGO Workshops
Level 2 – Broxbourne Mental Health Support Team – on site Mon – Friday at Hailey Hall
Level 3 – Counselling with fully qualified and highly experienced counsellor. Art Therapy with a qualified Art Therapist.
We also use a range of external agencies to meet the mental health needs of our pupils.
Level 1 – Protective Behaviours Team
All of our staff have completed an ‘introduction to Protective Behaviours’ and we have three members of staff that have completed the Foundation course, including our Mental Health Lead, Stevie Sharp. This enables them to deliver sessions to pupils in a fun and engaging style.
Alison Edwards is currently delivering the sessions to our pupils either in small groups or 1:1. This is usually over 6 sessions, but some pupils may need this extended to get the full benefit.
Alison Edwards
Please see the website of Protective Behaviour Training Partnership and details of their trainer, Sally-Ann Hart who delivered training to Hailey Hall staff. https://www.protectivebehaviourstraining.co.uk/
What is ‘Protective Behaviours’ From the website https://www.protectivebehaviours.org
Protective Behaviours, also known as PBs, is a down-to-earth approach to personal safety which encourages self-empowerment and gives people the skills to avoid being victimised. This is achieved by supporting people to recognise and trust their intuitive feelings (early warning signs) and to develop strategies for self-protection.
The Protective Behaviours process encourages an adventurous approach to life which satisfies the need for fun and excitement without violence or fear.
Protective Behaviours can be used by anyone in any situations.
Protective Behaviours is based around two themes
Theme 1
‘We all have the right to feel safe all the time’
Theme 2
‘We can talk to someone about anything, even if it feels awful or small
LEGO Workshops
LEGO Workshops are delivered to a small group of pupils by our trained staff Alison Edwards and Louise Piacquadio.
This is an intervention that builds on social skills of each individual and promotes their ability to work with others for positive outcomes.
Alison Edwards
Sarah Stringer
Level 2 – Mental Health Support Team
We are the Broxbourne Mental Health Support Team (MHST).
Our job is to help and support children and young people, in school, with mild to moderate anxiety, low mood and emotion regulation.
We deliver group work & workshops for parents, staff and students as well as 1:1 guided self help interventions for students.
All our interventions use low level, practical, cognitive behavioural strategies; we are not a counselling service.
If you feel that your son will benefit from an intervention please contact his form tutor, Stevie or Sara by email or phone. Please click the link to view further details.
Level 3 – Counselling at Hailey Hall
Helen Farrell
Helen Farrell has joined Hailey Hall’s Wellbeing Team where she will provide a weekly counselling service for the internally identified pupils. Helen has been counselling in school settings for over 20 years.
The service will be available to pupils every Thursday and referrals for counselling will be made through either the form tutors, the SENCO or the school’s safeguarding lead.
So, what is Counselling? Counselling provides an opportunity for the pupils to talk to someone in a safe and confidential space. They can talk about their concerns and any issues. The Counsellor will help them explore their thoughts, feelings and behaviours so they can develop a better understanding of themselves and others. It is sometimes better to talk to someone who is non-judgemental and outside of the family or their circle of friends.
Pupils have used school counsellors to talk about school life, relationships in and out of school, worries connected to home, behavioural issues, animal bereavement, confidence and self-esteem, anger management and many more.
If you would like further information about the counselling service, please contact Helen Farrell via email – hfarrell@haileyhall.herts.sch.uk. Helen is in school every Thursday.
Helen Farrell is a qualified counsellor and coach, for more information about Helen please visit her website www.telluscounselling.co.uk
Level 3 – Art Therapy
Kiera Barrett
Kiera Barrett joined Hailey Hall school in September 2023 following her placement with us while finishing her Masters in Art Therapy. Kiera is now a HCPC registered Art psychotherapist with experience of art therapy in primary and secondary schools and is available in school for identified pupils on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
What is Art Therapy? Art Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art as a tool for self expression. It aims to reduce distress and improve social, emotional and mental health by promoting insight, self-compassion and a sense of agency and self-worth.
During Art Therapy, you are supported by an art therapist to use art to express and articulate often complex thoughts and feelings through art making. This may following difficult or traumatic experiences which may be hard to talk about.