Our SEND Offer at Hailey Hall School:
Welcome to our SEND page. We hope you enjoy reading the plethora of ways in which we support pupils at Hailey Hall School with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Please click the link to view our latest SEND offer:
At Hailey Hall School we believe that every child is an individual and during their time with us we will ensure that they believe, strive and achieve. If at any time an issue arises, it will be dealt with efficiently and in partnership with pupils, parents and carers. Hailey Hall are committed at making sure all our pupils make good progress. During their time here at Hailey Hall, pupils may be offered additional one to one or small group support within the school day. These focus on the individual needs of the pupils.
We offer a supporting and nurturing learning environment in which pupils are supported by our highly experienced staff, who dedicate their time and expertise to supporting vulnerable pupils. We encourage parents and carers to be involved with their child’s learning and Hailey Hall life generally.
All pupils at Hailey Hall have a dedicated form tutor/ mentor as a communication link between school and home. We proactively and effectively overcome any barriers to attendance to ensure all pupils attend school.
Here at Hailey Hall School we work with a range of SEND and strive to ensure that our curriculum, teaching and learning, and progress targets, meet the needs of our pupils. We actively monitor Soft Skills and aim to prepare our pupils for life beyond Hailey Hall. Click the link to view the latest SENDCo report SENDCo Report- Final which is provided by our SENDCo two to three times annually, to update on information, actions and progress on Special Needs provision for our pupils. Please click this link Accessibility-plan-Review-Spring-Term-2025 to view our Accessibility plan.
What support does Hailey Hall School offer pupils with SEND and their parents / carers?
At Hailey Hall we understand the value of working in partnership with parents / carers. We listen to parent / carers and actively work together to ensure their child reaches their potential here. Parents / carers can contact key staff at the school by telephone, email, or in person. All parent / carers are invited to several events each year, including learning consultation / review evenings and other information evenings i.e. year 9 options evening. Tutors will also send a weekly email home to parent / carers on their child’s progress that week at school. Parents / carers are also invited to Headteacher Coffee Mornings throughout the year, to share ideas and regularly asked to give feedback on the SEND support we provide at Hailey Hall.
Who are the SEND support team at Hailey Hall School?
All our pupils have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
At Hailey Hall School, we understand the importance of providing a supportive and personalised learning environment.
Key Contacts:
• SENDCo – Miss S Hill
• Inclusion Admin Assistant: Ms A Pleeth
• Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Ms S Sharp
Intervention Rooms:
We offer small group sessions and one to one in our Intervention Rooms. We prioritise pupils that have been identified or referred by staff and progress data for extra support. These sessions are catered for the individual and can be small group sessions or one to one sessions. The key focus is core skills such as English and Maths using ‘That Reading Thing’, ‘Forward with Phonics’ and the ‘Catch Up Numeracy’.
How do I access SEND support for my child at Hailey Hall School?
Your child will already have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) in place. This outlines the key targets and appropriate strategies that the school has in place to meet the learning and emotional needs of your child. When your child starts at Hailey Hall, there will be a transition programme, whether they start in year 7, or later. Your child will be assessed via Access Reading and Access Maths testing, along with their KS2 results, staff baselining on the school’s assessment system, and other relevant data such as, FFT (Fisher Family Trust) data, to identify the correct support for your child. Year 7 pupils will sit the CAT4 assessment to ensure we can accurately assess their academic level and provide a realistic and challenging targets for their time at Hailey Hall.
Hailey Hall works closely with our feeder schools. Information is shared between the School and the feeder school about SEND, where this is agreed with the parents and pupils involved. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead will offer a home visit and pupils will have the opportunity to visit the school and meet key staff. There is also normally an opportunity for pupils to take part in an induction programme, whereby year 7’s will visit the school for at least one day. If pupils are transitioning from other year groups, we support by offering an opportunity to meet with their key adult and visit the school prior to joining. Your child should have undergone their EHC review in sufficient time prior to their move to enable the school to have planned and have appropriate interventions in place.
How can I let the staff at Hailey Hall School know that I have a question or I am concerned about my child’s progress?
We aim to work closely in partnership with parents / carers at Hailey Hall. We actively seek input from our parents / carers. If you have any comments, questions or concerns as a parent / carer, we will listen and respond to these.
Ways to contact us:
Email: admin@haileyhall.herts.sch.uk
Phone: 01992 465208
In person: Please contact the school to book an appointment to meet with the relevant person.
Information about the School will be shared via: Text message, Teacher2Parent mail, the school website, letters sent via post, and our Facebook page.
Who can I contact at the School in relation to SEND?
• Your child’s form tutor
• Miss S Hill – SENDCo
In the unlikely event that you feel a concern or query has not been addressed, there is a School Complaints policy which can be found in the policies section on our website.
How is extra support allocated to pupils?
Use of Data in Identification: Hailey Hall School recognises the importance of early identification and making effective provision improves the long-term outcomes for the child or young person. Pupils are assessed on entry in reading, spelling and numeracy. We will also take account of any KS2 data from our Primary Feeder Schools. Pupils that are identified as below age related national expectations will receive additional support to close the gap. In year 10, all pupils participate in the access arrangements assessment process to ensure they receive the appropriate support in their Key Stage 4 examinations.
Role of Subject Teachers in Identification: All pupils are also baselined by subject staff using our assessment system. Subject teachers formally assess summative pupil progress at least once per half term. Subject teachers will work with the SENDCo and other senior leaders in Pupil Progress Meetings, Intervention meetings for English and Maths, to identify pupils making less than expected progress given their age. Teachers are expected to offer instant interventions to any pupils they feel are falling behind in their subject area. This can include adapting their teaching to provide high quality teaching tailored to the gaps in the pupil’s knowledge and providing clearly differentiated work for the pupil/s in question. Where progress continues to be less than expected, the class teacher should discuss interventions with the SENDCo. The SENDCo will then refer the pupil to the pastoral hub to discuss any further interventions available or outside agency support that may be necessary. During this process, every effort should be made to communicate with the pupil and their family what support is available and why it is being provided.
Involving Parents / Carers: If the concern persists regarding a pupil’s lack of progress, a meeting will be held with parents / carers to discuss the concerns and decide together what actions would be most appropriate for the pupil at this time. Actions may include support from a Teaching Assistant in some lessons, one to one interventions, onsite mental health interventions, or asking advice from specialists and acting on it.
At Hailey Hall School, we appreciate that parents / carers are experts on their own children; we will always listen carefully to their views and plan together. Pupils are asked about any difficulties they are having and what support they feel would be required to benefit them; their views are listened to and taken into account.
How are the staff at Hailey Hall School helped to work with SEND pupils and what training do they have?
At Hailey Hall School, we have a set training programme for all staff which focuses on supporting outstanding teaching and learning. Each year we devise a programme based on any areas of need identified by staff and Senior Leaders. This can include:
- differentiation
- behaviour management
- specific learning difficulties
- literacy
- numeracy
The training provided differs each year to cater for individual needs. Teaching Assistants attend training which is relevant and specific to the needs of the pupils they are supporting. In addition to this, all staff are encouraged to share good practice and attend external training, where possible. Online learning is also encouraged to help build and develop skills in other areas that provide effective support to our pupils. All staff are regularly refreshed on the Education Endowment Foundations 5 a day principles linked below, we follow this as a whole school approach to learning for children with SEND.
EEF blog: The Five-a-day approach: How the EEF can support | EEF
How will teaching be adapted to meet my child’s learning needs?
We aim to personalise our teaching to ensure all pupils have access to a curriculum and work that supports their needs. Pupils may be involved in:
- whole class work
- working in smaller groups
- using a variety of materials in the classroom
- using a range of support strategies outlined by our SENDCo
- support from a Teaching Assistant
- use of technology and
- opportunities to work in alternative spaces if required.
Curriculum: All Hailey Hall School pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The curriculum offer is highly personalised to the individual pupil in order for them to be successful in terms of their learning, progress, outcomes and their progression to their future pathways.
Differentiation enabling Curriculum Access: Our teachers set high expectations for every pupil, whatever their prior attainment. Assessment targets (based on prior attainment) will be set centrally by the School. Teachers will set individual targets based on pupil assessments and based on individual work completed.
In addition, teachers will provide specific, subject based, written, formative feedback in the form of marking (as set out in our marking policy), to enable pupils to work towards their targets in the subject. Lessons will be planned to address any potential areas of difficulty and to remove any barriers to pupil’s achievement. In most cases, this will mean that pupils with SEND will be able to access the full curriculum.
Alternative Provision: Hailey Hall may commission alternative provision for pupils who face barriers such as attendance, engagement, and behaviour issues. Alternative Provision will be used only when other options have been exhausted. Parents / carers and pupils need to agree, and parents / carers will need to come into Hailey Hall and discuss options with a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and to sign paperwork outlining desired outcomes and the type of intervention required.
Providers are quality assured by the Alternative Learning Co-ordinator who works closely with all chosen providers. Hailey Hall School only works with providers who meet our high expectations for our pupils in terms of education, support, safeguarding and aspirations.
Parents are kept closely informed of their child’s progress with termly meetings by the Alternative Learning Co-ordinator and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. With parent / carers agreement, information is shared with the provider regarding the child’s SEND. Hailey Hall School will, in the main through the Alternative Learning Co-ordinator, ensure that there is a clear progression plan and keep the arrangements under review, adapting to the needs of the pupil. Should an alternative provider have concerns about a child who may have SEN that are not being met, they should raise their concerns with the Alternative Learning Co-ordinator who will liaise with the SENDCo and SLT.
Online Learning: Online learning is a form of intervention and alternative provision. At Hailey Hall we use Lexia, Mathswatch and Satchel One to complement our broad and balanced curriculum in tutor periods, as well as using home learning and alternative provisions. Hailey Hall offers home learning via Satchel One, this allows pupils to access their learning at home and submit home learning straight to their teacher. Any decision to use online learning from a pupil’s home will include an assessment of their suitability for independent learning and their home circumstances.
How will Hailey Hall School measure the progress of my child? How will I know about this?
At Hailey Hall School your child’s progress is continually monitored by subject teachers and the Senior Leadership Team. There are also opportunities to gain information about progress expectations and to discuss your child’s progress at Learning Consultation Evening during the Autumn Term. During the Spring and Summer term you will receive a formal written report as well as the opportunity to discuss this at Learning Review Evenings. If there are any significant concerns the SENDCo will be in contact with you regularly to discuss any interventions or progress. In addition, the progress of pupils with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed once a year at an Annual Review with you, your child, and the adults involved with your child.
How does Hailey Hall School support pupils when they are moving between key stages or teaching groups or moving to a new school / college?
Transition from Primary: Hailey Hall School works closely in partnership with all its feeder schools. Information is shared between the School and the feeder school with regard to SEN where this is agreed with the parents and pupils involved. As part of the transition process, pupils and parents / carers will have the opportunity to meet our Designated Safeguarding Lead, either in the feeder school or via a home visit. There is usually an opportunity for pupils to take part in induction days as part of the whole School transition programme. Transitioning pupils will also receive a school brochure with key information about the school. On their first day at Hailey Hall pupils will receive an individualised visual timetable.
Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 Transition: Pupils in year 9 are fully supported to make their curriculum choices for Key Stage 4. Parents / carers are invited with their children to attend a Key Stage 4 options evening where staff will be available to give more information on any courses they run and answer any questions. Within the ECHP review process, pupils will discuss appropriate subject choices that meet their needs and support their aspirations for post-16 provision.
Careers Education: Hailey Hall School will ensure that all pupils between years 9 to 11 are provided with independent careers guidance (see Careers Policy). This will be provided by Services for Young People (Herts pupils) and Children and Young People with Disabilities Service, (Essex pupils) and will attend EHCP’s if required and when appropriate. Hailey Hall School will ensure that it works to raise the career aspirations of all our pupils and broaden their employment horizons via opportunities such as 1 to 1 guidance interviews, taster days at local colleges in both Herts and Essex; work experience in year 10; Enterprise experiences such as the local Foodbank and Care home; visits to various places of work incorporating STEM areas and Keyworker roles. We use Compass Plus with support from The Careers and Enterprise Company, which is audited termly, to further enhance our careers offer for our pupils.
Planning Transition into Post-16 Education and Training: In year 9, Hailey Hall School will enable pupils to explore the various post-16 options and the help that can be provided to get the pupil to this point. In year 10, visits and discussions with various colleges, such as Herts Regional College (HRC), will be undertaken to see how colleges work and the options that are available, and possible courses with tasters such as Sports, Hospitality / Catering and Motor mechanic. This is undertaken on one focused day at the provision. More specific courses and providers will be explored, to include taster days or visits as relevant. In year 11, pupils and families will be supported to decide on a firm destination post-16 and to familiarise them with the expected new setting. This will include contingency planning. Information about previous SEN provision will be shared with any post-16 providers before the young person takes their place, preferably in the Spring Term before they start, to enable the provider to develop a suitable support plan. Hailey Hall School will share this information sensitively and with the best interests of the pupil at the centre. Pupils must agree on the information to be shared. This will be completed with Support from Services for Young People (Herts) and Children and Young People Disabilities Service (Essex).
Preparation for Adulthood: Hailey Hall School will seek to work in partnership with other agencies such as employment services; Hertfordshire Colleges / Essex Colleges; post-16 providers and 6th forms; alternative education partners; housing agencies; disability organisations, Work and Pensions Department and other relevant agencies, as required, to ensure that pupils understand what support and opportunities are available for them as they get older. Where possible, Hailey Hall School will seek opportunities for pupils to meet ex-pupils (Alumni) who are successful in their work or who have made a significant contribution to their community. For teenage pupils, the focus on achievement and post-16 options are essential; this will include preparation for higher education and / or employment with visits to Hertfordshire University to discuss Post 18 options including life skills re independent living and financial guidance. Training options such as supported internships, apprenticeships and traineeships, or support for setting up your own business will be discussed as required. For all our pupils, transition planning will result in clear outcomes being agreed that are ambitious and stretching in preparing the pupil for adulthood.
Support to Prepare for Adulthood: Hailey Hall School will work to understand the passions, interests and strengths of our pupils and use this as a basis to plan support around them. We will provide support to ensure that pupils are included in social groups and encouraged to make friendships. This may be through the participation in the tutor programme; or one to one support in the form of onsite therapy or other well-being support. All pupils will have the opportunity to attend various offsite visits including humanities, rewards trips, and subject specific visits.
Young People making their Own Decisions: As our pupils develop, Hailey Hall School will ensure they are more closely involved in the discussions and decisions about their own future. We recognise that after compulsory school age the right to make requests and decisions under the Children and Families Act 2014 applies to them directly, rather than to their parents / carers. In the majority of cases, parents / carers will be involved in supporting pupils to make decisions about their future. Hailey Hall will continually involve parents / carers where there are concerns regarding attendance, behaviour, or the welfare of a pupil. Hailey Hall will continue discussions around pupils’ studies and progress regardless of their post-16 destination, to ensure they remain and complete their studies.
What support is currently on offer to disabled pupils at Hailey Hall School?
We take into consideration all users, including staff, trustees and visitors, and actively remove any barriers that may deny anyone access to our School / services. The layout of our school building is simple, attractive and accessible. Most equipment in classrooms is accessible to pupils regardless of their needs; we provide adaptive technology where applicable. Our Enrichment activities are accessible for all pupils. If a disabled pupil wishes to attend Hailey Hall School, we will do our utmost to make any adjustments to the curriculum, building, and resources, as needed.
If my child has medical needs, how will they be supported?
All pupils with a medical condition will be supported to ensure they have full access to the curriculum, including physical education, enrichment and school visits. We treat pupils with medical needs as individuals and will cater the support to their needs in collaboration with parents / carers and healthcare professionals. Some pupils may need / have a Health Care Plan. Information such as signs, symptoms, triggers, treatment, strategies and how to manage an emergency will be shared with staff.
What training do staff have to support pupils with medical needs?
Depending on the medical needs of a pupil, staff may be required to have additional training about a specific medical condition. This may include training to administer specific medication.
Who has responsibility for pupils with medical needs?
Our trained member of staff, Ms L Baughan, is responsible for pupils with medical needs.
Who are the other people providing services to pupils with SEN at Hailey Hall School?
If there are concerns about limited progress in school, despite evidence-based support and a variety of interventions undertaken, the school will consider specialist or outside agency support. This may include a referral to our onsite counsellor or Art Therapist. This could also include: CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), specialist teachers and therapists, such as speech and language therapists. This may involve working with the local authority or joint commissioning. The involvement with any specialists, what was discussed and agreed, should always be recorded and shared with parents / carers as well as the teaching staff involved in supporting the pupil. The SENDCo, tutor, the specialist and parent / carer should take into consideration a variety of evidence-based support for the pupil. This should include agreed review dates, targets and outcomes to be achieved.
Where can I find information about wider SEN provision in Hailey Hall School?
Further information about SEND provision at Hailey Hall School can be found:
- in our SEND policy on our website
- direct contact with Miss Sara Hill (SENDCo)
- direct contact with the school office.