Learning at Hailey Hall School
Hailey Hall School is all about “Believe, Strive and Achieve” and we set this challenge to all pupils and staff involved in the school.
We firmly believe that the school provides:
- opportunities for all pupils to achieve their very best
- a positive ethos and culture in which learning and achievement can flourish, excel and be rewarded
- pupils with skills for life so that they can confidently take their place in a rapidly changing society as motivated citizens with creative and enquiring minds.
For pupils to achieve their academic potential and have the best chance in life, and succeed in the work place, the school has the following expectations:
- Take your bag into each lesson. For safety during Science lessons, you need to leave your bag on the shelving or in a safe place outside the room, taking in only the equipment you need for the lesson.
- At the beginning of the lesson you are expected to wait quietly outside the classroom, only entering when requested to by the teacher. At the end of the lesson you need to wait to be dismissed.
- You are expected to bring your own stationery equipment every day – rulers, pens etc. Make sure you check this each night when packing your bag.
- You will usually be asked to put up your hand if you want to ask or answer a question. You should never shout out in a lesson, unless the teacher has said you can.
- You will find yourself sitting in different seating plans with different teachers.
- You are expected to stay in your seat during a lesson unless you have the teacher’s permission.
- Having a form room is a privilege. Your form room is your responsibility to keep clean and tidy. They are also used for teaching, so respect them at ALL times.
- Try to remember to go to the toilet during break and lunchtime – teachers do not like pupils to go to the toilet in the middle of lessons, but always ask in an emergency!
- Keep your uniform smart at all times.
- You must never go into the staff-room – always wait outside.
Achieving Success
Recognising and rewarding achievement is central to our philosophy of success and supports our core value of consideration for learning. We have a very strong rewards system which celebrates all levels of success and encourages pupils to do their very best. Throughout the year, pupils are rewarded points during each lesson for demonstrating good behaviour, attitude, teamwork skills, respect and communication. These points are accumulated throughout the year and presented to pupils in a special weekly reward assembly. Each term success is celebrated with a special rewards day trip for selected pupils.
Each pupil is assigned a mentor who supports both the academic progress and the pastoral care of the individual, especially in times of difficulty.
Form tutors produce a weekly parent / carer email, informing them of the positive achievements their child has made during the previous week. Subject Teachers, members of the Senior Leadership Team and the Headteacher also send out celebration post cards in recognition of a pupil’s outstanding work. Exceptional effort is also rewarded with a special letter of congratulations from the Headteacher.
We also monitor attendance closely and, each half term, special prizes are given to pupils for exceptional attendance and for the best attending form.
At the end of the year a special celebration assembly is held where we say farewell to the year 11 pupils, as well as celebrating subject awards and pastoral awards.
We encourage pupils to take real pride in their own achievements and to respect the achievements of others.
The ‘Higher Attaining’ Pupils
The ‘Higher Attaining’ pupils are those capable of excellence in specific subject areas, such as, a talented pencil drawer in art, a gifted pianist in music or a skilled chef in food and cookery skills. Whatever the pupil’s unique abilities, teachers at Hailey Hall School will challenge and inspire these individuals to pursue the very highest possible grades and experiences. To meet this need we create a flexible curriculum tailored to the individual, which, provides them with the opportunities to excel. Pupils in Key Stage 4 have regular opportunities to attend local colleges and neighbouring schools to complete high level courses and qualifications in both practical and theoretical subjects. These pupils attain high grades and make outstanding progress.