Assessment & Feedback
In Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 pupils are no longer graded against National Curriculum Levels at the end of each half term, but are instead graded using our very own Hailey Hall School assessment system inline with the government initiative ‘life without levels’. In Year 10 and Year 11 GCSE grades are used in each GCSE subject and recorded each half term. They will be graded using the scale of grade 9 to 1. All BTEC NCFE/Cambridge National qualifications are graded as a Level 1 Pass or Level 2 Pass, Merit or Distinction.
Classwork is marked with feedback every three weeks and teacher comments review ‘what went well’ and what aspects could be improved – ‘even better if’. Teachers specify how work can progress onto the next stage and give a grade for effort. Home Learning tasks and Prep Time tasks are also marked each time this work is completed.