Skills For Living
As part of our KS4 Curriculum we study Employability (Life Skills). Employability Skills qualifications are designed to support a pupil successfully gaining a job, progressing in a chosen field, preparing the student for further study and supporting the development of techniques required for successful independent living.
Modules studied are:
- Effective skills, qualities and attitudes for learning and work
- Career planning and making applications
- Interview skills
- Searching for a job
- Working as part of a team
- Managing personal finance
- Introduction to alcohol awareness
- Introduction to drug awareness
We also run a Skills for Life – Independent Living programme. Pupils study the following modules:
Session one
- Healthy living and food hygiene
- Cooking together
- Leaving home/care – information and support
Session two
- Budgeting skills
- Cooking together
- Healthy lifestyle choices
- Drugs & alcohol
- Online safety
- Coping with loneliness
Session three
- Independent living – tenancy information
- Cooking together
- Education and employment opportunities
Session four
- Debt advice
- Cooking together
- Sexual health and positive relationships
Session five
- Celebration session
- Cooking together