Attendance Information
If your son’s absence falls below 90% you will be informed of this by the school.
If your son’s attendance does not improve you will be contacted again to arrange a meeting to discuss how you can change the situation.
Continued absence without improvement will result in a discussion with the Attendance Improvement Officer. Appropriate action will be agreed, which may result in a meeting with you to ensure your child’s attendance improves.
Poor and persistent unauthorised absenteeism may result in the school requesting a Penalty Notice (Fines) be imposed for your child’s poor attendance. The fine is £80 per parent rising to £160 if not paid on time.
If the fine remains unpaid this may lead to a Prosecution in Court.
Parents’ Responsibilities
- It is your responsibility to ensure that your son attends school every day so that they have the best possible life chances.
- If your son is unable to attend, you must contact the school with a valid reason by 9.00am for every day of the absence.
- Holidays, medical appointments and family occasions are not automatically authorised. A request needs to be made to the Headteacher.
- If your son is absent and no reason is given or the school believes the reason not to be valid – the absence will be unauthorised
- Please contact the school if you are finding it difficult to get your son into school and we can try to help.
Every Academic Year there are 190 school days
95% attendance = 180 days
90% attendance = 171 days
85% attendance = 161 days
For your son’s attendance to drop below 90% means that they have missed 20 whole days or 4 whole weeks in a year!
Your son’s safety, happiness and success are at the heart of everything we do at school.
Please click below for information to help you to assess if your son is well enough to come to school:
attendance information – is my child well enough to come to school